WordPress 4.4

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Feature Notes

Twenty Sixteen Theme

Admin Cleanup

Comments Overhaul

Customizer Performance

HTTP 2.0

Image Flow/Flow Patrol

Media Widget

Multisite, the Next Generation

oEmbed, Feature Plugin

OO WordPress

Responsive Images


Shortcode Roadmap

Taxonomy Roadmap

WP HTTP Overhaul

Admin Cleanup

Led by: wonderboymusic, helen

Things that have been done:

  • Moved function declarations out of admin handlers

Things to do:

  • Select2/Dropdowns - the next iteration of scaling large datasets of user, posts, etc
  • Page on Front perhaps: with Dave M and Folletto?

Scott’s pet projects for now or The Future:

Our admin PHP templates are a junk drawer and eschew all best practices for building scalable templating and routing systems. While implementing Controllers and switching to a real templating language are perhaps out of scope, we can definitely make improvements to how our data is generated and how our admin templates are stitched together. There are always UX improvements to be made as well.

  • Admin Menu generation is not repeatable, needs to be encapsulated into an actual API - ticket
  • Admin screens use raw PHP for templating, which is not templating. We should find ways to separate the data from the markup to make it easier to switch out the raw PHP for another templating language - Mustache, React, whatever. Even if we continue to use raw PHP, we can separate concerns better.


  • The WordPress admin code becomes more elegant
  • Data can be exposed via REST routes - getting the admin menu, etc
  • Data is retrievable in a way that makes building admins via REST possible